First weekend of fall in Connecticut will bring delightful weather.

First fall weekend in Connecticut delightful, but…

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Look for delightful weather in Connecticut from Sep. 25 through Sep. 27 says Brad Field, because changes are on the horizon. The renowned meteorologist discusses what the early October weather will be like in his weekly podcast with co-host Dan Lovallo.

What about the tropics? Well, for the moment, Field notes that things are quiet but that he would not be surprised if there is a turnaround by next week’s podcast. What is for certain is that Connecticut is in dire need of rain, as drought conditions persist. (At the end of the show notes is a link to the drought monitor for Connecticut.)

There does seem to be some rain in the forecast for the week of Sep. 27, and Field times out the arrival of the precipitation. How much we get, however, depends on the development of a low pressure system.


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