Rain prelude to big warm up | Ep. 159
Connecticut will be hit with back-to-back rain storms on Apr. 6 and Apr. 7, followed by a mild spell for the weekend that will blossom into a big, spring warm…
Saturday storm for Connecticut, then…| Ep. 158
Connecticut will get slammed with a winter storm on Sat., Mar. 12 with a combination of precipitation and high winds. Some areas west and north of the I-84 corridor could…
Snowstorms loom for Connecticut | Ep. 157
Don’t put those snow shovels away just yet, Connecticut. Meteorologist Brad Davis predicts several storms could be looming for the region over the next 14 days. In his weekly podcast,…
Friday storm packs winter wallop for Connecticut | Ep. 156
Connecticut will be walloped with a winter storm on Friday, Feb. 25, before cold weather settles in for a considerable stretch, according to meteorologist Brad Field. In his weekly podcast,…
Connecticut in store for wild weather swings | Ep. 155
Connecticut is in store for some wild swings in the weather from Feb. 17 into early March, according to meteorologist Brad Field. The recent, mild weather, rain and lack of…
Snow for Connecticut on Sunday? | Ep. 154
After an unseasonable mild stretch of weather, Connecticut could be faced with a moderate snowstorm on Sunday. At issue are the four computer models, according to meteorologist Brad Field. In…