March brings weather changes to Connecticut

March brings weather changes to Connecticut

[spreaker type=player resource=”episode_id=43663765″ width=”100%” height=”200px” theme=”light” playlist=”false” playlist-continuous=”false” autoplay=”false” live-autoplay=”false” chapters-image=”true” episode-image-position=”right” hide-logo=”false” hide-likes=”false” hide-comments=”false” hide-sharing=”false” hide-download=”true”] March will bring weather changes to Connecticut, according to meteorologist Brad Field. Following a weekend of mixed precipitation, March will arrive on Monday, as a transitional day, weather-wise. Field states that Tuesday will be one of those extreme…

Nagging storms impact Connecticut

Nagging storms impact Connecticut

[spreaker type=player resource=”episode_id=43528410″ width=”100%” height=”200px” theme=”light” playlist=”false” playlist-continuous=”false” autoplay=”false” live-autoplay=”false” chapters-image=”true” episode-image-position=”right” hide-logo=”false” hide-likes=”false” hide-comments=”false” hide-sharing=”false” hide-download=”true”] A series of low pressure systems will impact Connecticut from Feb. 18-20, bringing with it mixed precipitation, according to meteorologist Brad Field. In his weekly podcast with co-host Dan Lovallo, Field explains why these waves of low pressure…

Connecticut faces stormy week

Connecticut faces stormy week

[spreaker type=player resource=”episode_id=43448017″ width=”100%” height=”200px” theme=”light” playlist=”false” playlist-continuous=”false” autoplay=”false” live-autoplay=”false” chapters-image=”true” episode-image-position=”right” hide-logo=”false” hide-likes=”false” hide-comments=”false” hide-sharing=”false” hide-download=”true”] Connecticut is facing a stormy, weather week, according to meteorologist Brad Field in the latest episode of his podcast. Beginning Saturday night, Feb. 13, a series of storms will bring an array of precipitation from snow to ice…

Quick hitter dumping snow on Connecticut

Quick hitter dumping snow on Connecticut

[spreaker type=player resource=”episode_id=43366958″ width=”100%” height=”200px” theme=”light” playlist=”false” playlist-continuous=”false” autoplay=”false” live-autoplay=”false” chapters-image=”true” episode-image-position=”right” hide-logo=”false” hide-likes=”false” hide-comments=”false” hide-sharing=”false” hide-download=”true”] A quick hitting storm is dumping snow on Connecticut for Tuesday, Feb. 9, according to meteorologist Brad Field. The storm, coming out of Pittsburgh, will pick up steam, as it heads over Long Island Sound, and will drop…

Connecticut: 4 storms in 7 days

Connecticut: 4 storms in 7 days

[spreaker type=player resource=”episode_id=43320786″ width=”100%” height=”200px” theme=”light” playlist=”false” playlist-continuous=”false” autoplay=”false” live-autoplay=”false” chapters-image=”true” episode-image-position=”right” hide-logo=”false” hide-likes=”false” hide-comments=”false” hide-sharing=”false” hide-download=”true”] Connecticut is in line to get four snowstorms in seven days, according to meteorologist Brad Field. In his weekly podcast, Field stated, “I have not seen a setup like this in years, referring to the weather map.” A…

Major snowstorm to wallop Connecticut

Major snowstorm to wallop Connecticut

[spreaker type=player resource=”episode_id=43217972″ width=”100%” height=”200px” theme=”light” playlist=”false” playlist-continuous=”false” autoplay=”false” live-autoplay=”false” chapters-image=”true” episode-image-position=”right” hide-logo=”false” hide-likes=”false” hide-comments=”false” hide-sharing=”false” hide-download=”true”] A major snowstorm will wallop Connecticut Monday, Feb. 1 into Tuesday, Feb. 2, according to meteorologist Brad Field. In a special episode of his podcast, Field maps out the storm, snow amounts, odds of those snow amounts and…